So a lot of the time, people are unsure on the 'etiquette' of a tattoo shop, what to do on the day etc if it is their first tattoo! I have compiled a load of information that I think will be beneficial to anybody coming in for their first tattoo.. and just studio rules in general, even if you have been tattooed before!
The Design process:
- In terms of your design, I will draw a few days before, or even the night before.. It depends on what time I get and how much I've worked prior to your appointment. I allow enough time on the day of your appointment, to make any small changes.
I do this for many reasons; one of the main ones being that it offers myself protection as an artist.
Can I bring someone with me?
-I kindly ask that you don't bring somebody along with you. Our studio can be super busy some days if every artist is working, and we like to keep distractions to a minimum.
Journey Planning.
-Plan your journey waaaaaay ahead of you coming in. And then check it all the evening before. Then again, the morning of. Train times, Traffic, Parking. These are all things that you are responsible for to make sure that you turn up to your appointment on time. If you are running behind, please let me know. If you want any transport info please go here.
What clothing should I wear?
-Wear comfy clothing! You will probably end up with ink on your clothing or shoes at some point, which most likely won't come out. Wear what you would normally wear if you were at home chilling, binging on Netflix. Hoodies.. Leggings.. Tracksuit Bottoms.. Just be comfy! Hoodies are one of the best thing you can take with you, even if you aren't wearing it, it’s great as an additional pillow.
Medical Conditions
-Let your tattooist know of any medical conditions that you have or may have changed since you last got tattooed, or just anything that they need to know before they tattoo you! If you are prone to passing out, or if you have only passed out once before.. It's just good to have a heads up before we tattoo you! If you are taking any prescribed medication, please also let us know this.
Fake Tan.
-Please do not apply fake tan before your tattoo, at least a week with tan free skin is preferred. If you have it on, this could result in me not being able to do your tattoo. Also please don't apply it for around 3 weeks after your tattoo. You can apply it around the area, but it can't come into contact with it for that time period.
- Bring food with you. Snacks are gold dust when being tattooed! Whether its crisps, sugary drinks, sweets, chocolate.. anything you consume will make you feel way better than if you don't bring anything at all! Make sure to eat a BIG breakfast before you come in. Food = Fuel. If you are in all day, we will always stop midway for a lunch break (I have to eat too!)
I feel too scared to say something..
-Communication is key. Even if you feel slightly 'odd' or 'off' please make sure to tell me! I am here to do your tattoo but also to look after you if you aren’t feeling 100% yourself. If you feel dizzy at all, light headed, see stars etc, please let me know as we can stop tattooing & take a little break. Usually your body just needs more sugar! If you are concerned about any of the design process, please be vocal, I would hate anybody to leave with a tattoo that they don't love.
Can I watch movies/listen to music?
-If you get distracted easily, or find it very hard to sit still for a long period of time without mental stimulation.. bring your iPad... watch Netflix, bring headphones to listen to music, Find whatever zones you out. Reading a book maybe? Just anything! Fidget toys are also welcome if you find it hard to sit still and focus. :)
Phone Policy:
-Please put your phone on SILENT. It's super distracting for the artist, and other artist's/clients listening to you typing and text tones coming through all day. Also, picking up your phone can also make you move so be mindful of this when you are using it JBe mindful of your movements in general. Just you breathing, makes you move. This is something we can anticipate and adjust to, but you abruptly reaching for your phone, laughing or expressively talking to your friend, are things we cannot account for. So just keep it calm & chilled and we won't have to tell you off ;) Of course you're allowed to talk, but sudden outbursts or laughter are a different ball game.
Most of all.. make it a fun experience! Getting a tattoo is, and should be fun. Don't stress, stay chilled, have fun with us at the shop and leave with a lovely tattoo!
Thankyou all for reading this & taking on board any of these pointers!
Abi x